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Steve’s Blog – Pro Digest Week 18

When dealing with an interruption when you are in a meeting or are already working on a current task, you may find addressing the interruption requires you to take at least one of the following actions:

  1. Schedule a new meeting
  2. Assign one or more action items
  3. Take down notes

We have covered 1 and 2 in our previous two blogs. For “#3”, I have found in my experience that using an note taking app (OneNote, Google Keep or Evernote would be my top three recommendations, in that order) is the best way to accomplish this. For me, it’s proven to be far more effective than putting my notes onto paper. These type of notes are searchable, can be copied and pasted, include pictures, video, emails, etc. AND can be accessed from any device.

Set yourself up for “success” when it comes to these three interruption handling methods and watch your business productivity start to improve!

Questions or comments? Just email me or call/text me at 630-774-79444

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