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Steve’s Blog – Pro Digest Week 17

As we discussed in the last blog, COMPARTMENTALIZING can be very helpful when dealing with interruptions. The key to using it effectively is creating a consistent, quick and easy way to record the resulting action item(s) and/or any relevant notes. One of our main objectives here at Turner Time is to help YOU custom tailor your a method so that it will work for you; no matter where or what technology device you are using. Our first and strongest recommendation is to base your method upon the type of interruption. Here is the first type of interruption we will address with:

  • The interruption requires a meeting to be scheduled. Schedule it immediately at that moment using the meeting request feature for your Outlook, Google or Android/iPhone calendar.  It’s not good enough to say, “We’ll talk about it later” or “Giving me a call later”, etc. Too many of those planned follow ups NEVER happen.

Next blog, will be covering using a new email and then using a note taking app when those are more appropriate.

Questions or comments? Just email me or call/text me at 630-774-7944

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