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Steve’s Blog – Pro Digest Week 10

“15 Saves 60”.  In the pursuit of becoming more efficient in managing your business time, I have found no greater axiom than this; 15 minutes of planning saves 60 minutes of work. Embrace this concept, and I think you will quickly see gains in how much time each day, week and month you can dedicate to staying “strategic” instead of wondering, “Where did my day go??”

  • A great place to start using “15 Saves 60” is in managing your daily business priorities
  • Know plan exactly what “MUST” get done each day and plan your days accordingly.
  • Use your electronic calendar (Outlook or Google) and put a recurring, every business day, 15-minute appointment (you can name that appointment, “priority review” or whatever you like):1. At the beginning of your day (before you “jump” into e-mail) and
    2. 15 minutes near day’s end (but not the very end, to avoid “running out of time”)

By “book-ending” your business day this way, you can enable yourself to stay on point and check your progress before your day ends.

More on this valuable time management “tool”, next week.

Questions or comments?  Just email me or call/text me at 630-774-7944

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