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Continuous Improvement

To continue to provide you, our valued Pro Member, worthy content and recommendations, we want you to know that our business goal is to help you establish a mindset of continuously increasing your personal business productivity. How can you do this?  First, by focusing on two primary factors that determine your personal business productivity:

  1. Time Management, how efficiently you manage your personal business time. Please ask:
    1. Am I using proven strategies to be business-time efficient?
    2. Am I continually look for ways to improve or enhance my time management methods?
  2. Technology Management, how efficiently you manage your technology devices: computer(s), smartphone, tablet and the apps/programs you use regularly. Please ask:
    1. Is my computer “set-up” optimal?
    2. Is the hardware I use optimal?
    3. Are the apps/programs I use regularly optimal?
    4. Am efficient with the technology listed above?
    5. Where can I be more efficient?

To help you establish/enhance this mindset, can you fill out our most recent “Time & Technology Questionnaire”?  We can then determine how we might help you, right now!  This information will help us customize our communication with you and there are no right or wrong answers, just answer the best you can:

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